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5 Reasons Ladies are Ditching Heels for Wheels

INOKIM Light in Orange

Scoot over boys, the ladies are finally stepping in to the PMD scene!

And here’s why:

    1. Grocery Shopping just got FUN – Basket on, load off!

      Walking to the nearest supermarket to pick up ingredients for dinner can be kind of a dread. But you know you’ve already been surviving on order-ins and takeaways for the past 3 days and it isn’t doing any favours to your health (or waistline). What better solution than a portable transport that doesn’t leave you sweating by the end of your grocery shopping trip.
      Similar to bicycles, electric scooters can be paired with an endless combination of accessories. With a simple basket mounted on, you no longer need to dread carrying that 5kg packet of rice all the way home. There are even click-on shopping baskets available like this one from Klickfix which you can easily remove and carry with you. The Earth will also thank you for saying no to plastic bags and reducing waste.

      Read more at: https://sgscooters.co/2017/01/21/5-reasons-ladies-are-ditching-heels-for-wheels/